Thursday 12 December 2013

Unity in Diversity. This is Our Motto

Indonesia is a big country . Rich in ethnic , cultural , religious , and many more . A big challenge for us to remain united ... thumbnail 1 summary
Indonesia is a big country. Rich in ethnic, cultural, religious, and many more. A big challenge for us to remain united in diversity. Yes, we are different, but the difference is what unites us. We are proud of the diversity that we have. It shows that we are a great nation and rich.

For that Indonesia has the motto "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" ( Unity in Diversity ) as a unifying our nation. Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ( Unity in Diversity ) is the motto or slogan of Indonesia. This phrase is derived from the Old Javanese language and are often translated with the phrase "Different but still one".

Translated by word, the word Bhineka mean "diverse" or different. Neka in the Sanskrit word meaning "kind" and be forming the word "miscellaneous". Tunggal word means "one". Ika word meaning "the". Literally translated Unity in Diversity "Wide One That", which means although different but essentially remains the nation of Indonesia is a unitary. This slogan is used to describe the unity and integrity of the Nation and the Republic of Indonesia which consists of diverse culture, local language, race, ethnicity, religion and belief. 

This is what unites us from time to time, even before our independence on August 17, 1945. Because essentially Bhiheka Tunggal Ika been born in the Indonesian nation before the nation of Indonesia's independence. This is evidenced by the many kingdoms in Indonesia during the first fraternity. Indonesia's struggle against the occupation is also not free from the consciousness of the Indonesian nation that despite our different but still one also.


  1. nice gan,
    semoga bermanfaat

    1. Thanks gan,, pengnen bikin blog tentang Indonesia tercinta.. :)
